How Accurate is Smodin's AI Content Detection?
Lenient: 85% of AI documents are considered AI content, 99% of Human documents are considered Human.
Strict: 95% of AI documents are considered AI content, 95% of Human documents are considered Human.
Disclaimer: Results differ slightly by language and come from our test results, actual results may vary.
Smodin's AI Content Detection
Smodin's AI content detector is an advanced tool that can distinguish between human-written content and text generated by ChatGPT, Bard, or other AI tools. Even professional writers, students, and educators rely on Smodin to screen their work for digital manipulation and ensure its authenticity.
Anyone can easily get started using our service by uploading their text. After a simple analysis, our AI will determine the text's uniqueness. Our algorithms will quickly produce a report addressing any concerns and offering suggestions on improving the text.
When you need to ensure that your work is original and authentic, consider using our AI text detector. Using this service will help you avoid the negative consequences of plagiarism or lack of originality, like losing your reputation. This is perfect for businesses, educators and students to use.
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